"Do As Jesus Did"
Missions & Compassionate Ministries
Make right, that which is wrong. Be generous. Feed, clothe, heal, give, serve, teach, edify, restore & evangelize. Acting by faith in the authority of Jesus Christ to see the captives set free. Being the light in this dark world. Bringing hope to the hopeless and liberty to the oppressed. Doing all good things to the glory of God the Father. Ambassadors to God’s Kingdom and participating in building it upon the earth. We are conduits of change in bringing about the restoration and salvation of the world through our Lord Jesus Christ by His redemptive work completed on the cross and through the mighty resurrection power of the Holy Spirit!
Matthew 5:13-15 | Colossians 1:26-28 | I. Corinthians 3:9 | Matthew 28:19

"Love As Jesus Loved"
Community & Midweek Gatherings
Being intentional about forming authentic and healthy relationships through Agape. Gathering often in each others’ homes and other places both on and off church campus. Forgiving, longsuffering and generous with one another. Performing selfless acts of kindness and sacrifice for the benefit of others. Exchanging warranted consequence for blessing. Keeping no record of wrongs. Rejoicing in the truth. Choosing relationships over legalism. Togetherness. Family. Simply loving others as we want to be loved.
I. Corinthians 13 | Matthew 5:39 | Philippians 2 | Luke 23:34a | James 1:27

"Walk As Jesus Walked"
Intimacy & Spiritual Growth
Intimate with God. Living holy as God is holy. Submissive and surrendered hearts. Growing closer to God through accountability and mentoring. Iron sharpening iron. Yielding to the will of the Father. Authentically prayerful. Integrity driven. Growing and walking by faith. Disciplined and formed by the Holy Scriptures while actively seeking and engaging the presence of God. Experiencing Him within the body of Christ during weekly worship services and mid-week programs. To know, grow and show Him in all that we think, say and do. Yielding to the work of the Holy Spirit as He forges our hearts, renews our minds and changes our lives.
I. Peter 1:16 | John 3:30 | I. Thessalonians 5:17 | II. Corinthians 5:7 | II. Peter 3:18 | Philippians 3:7-11